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Suzy Bernstein


Suzy Bernstein has been involved in various facets of media, and has worked as a photographer for the last 20 years.
She is always looking for ways of capturing the diversity of cultures in society; both through documentary work and through her personal involvement in the arts. She has held several workshops that explore visual literacy, interfacing her personal photographic journey, with skills learnt along the way. Suzy also enjoys writing, and has had several articles published. In 2012 she participated in the Fringe exhibition in Johannesburg and displayed her most recent work.

Artist Statement

"I am interested in the concept of cleansing rituals in our lives. We use soap cakes to clean ourselves. We relax in the bath, invigorate ourselves in the shower, where the soap mediates the process, and that becomes ingrained in these soap cakes.  When is it time to throw away the old and bring in the new?  Is it when we can no longer grip it, when it loses its shape?   For me, the shapes, colours and textures that they represent at the time of their potential demise encapsulate history, representation and the past, speaking to: habits; costs; luxuries; gifts; waste; cleanliness; places and spaces."