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Kyle Maclean Light


Kyle MacLean Light was born in Johannesburg in 1987. He completed his BA Graphic Design Degree at DSSA (Design School Southern Africa) in 2008. After years of travelling and creative experimentation, he now works as a Freelance Graphic Designer and Artist with a passion for working in pencil, charcoal and pastel.

Artist Statement

"Art creation is a constant, ever changing journey, and each artist must travel and search in order to find his/her own artistic niche. I find this constant process of change and improvement to be the best part of being a visual artist. It took me some time before I found what satisfies my unique artistic abilities; having experimented with various mediums, styles, techniques and subject matter as well as experiencing new cultures and customs through my various travels. Through experience my art has grown and will continue to do so.

I create my artworks using a combination of pencil, charcoal and pastel on pattern paper. I specialize in portraits, finding my reference material in any photographic mediums that I find interesting or unusual. I create pieces that are very high in contrast, using dark black charcoal next to soft white pastel. The style of my work could be said to appear as an ‘organised mess’, as I draw in an extremely alternative, expressive and loose manner. It is evident in my drawings that I love to embrace the true elements of the mediums I use and I view the haphazard textures of lines, the many smudges and even finger prints not as mistakes but as aesthetic components of the work."